Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The dog days of IPL

Everybody and his aunt-by-law's grandfather and the grandfather's dog are writing about IPL, and so I join the chorus .... You, I suppose, are wondering why I have broken tradition and am commenting on something not relevant to my day in my office... well... simply because IPL is the talk of my office!

CSK was beaten again and this time round by Deccan Chargers! Boy.... have the bad days come home to roost? Off go the two Aussies and bad times visit CSK for good....?

I have decided that the whole IPL is rigged!

The season will belong to the teams in rotation! I have several friends who willingly subscribe to this theory too!

Will the Chennai Super Kings see better times? Let us wait and watch.....

Monday, May 5, 2008

Hmm... Is it true... new day new beginnings???

So what happens to Charlie's Angels... they get on with their lives?
Where we are concerned... yes that is what has happened... but that does not amount to us not missing Charlie!

New departments... and new work... I have yet to settle in... actually my mind faces a stumbling block... am unable to settle in!

But I guess it will take time... Have been used to Pa drake aka Charlie aka Makarand for two years.... so the departure is yet to settle in!

Pa... missing you

Yours truly

Thursday, May 1, 2008

And Pa Drake flies away !!!

Have been wondering for a long time on how best to write this post... have not been able to put my thoughts into words... so the long delay in publishing this post!

Its been two very interesting years I have had with Pa :) as my boss! The first year I was not a duckling... The first year had its ups and downs... we even hit a patch of really bad and stagnant water, but Pa found way to maneuvour around set himself in a slightly better pond and I joined him!!!

It was in the second year after Hema joined us that we were jointly moted (I won't say Pro or de)to the duckling status! The second year had its own downs and ups... and today Pa drake flies away!

Pa drake has quiet number of quirks, but the most remarkable one is that he can stick his head in water for long and not come up for air for really lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg time! Hmmm... not sure how many fishes and worms he got that way - but he sure liked the water!

And now, Pa is flying off to a new, much - larger lake - he sure is abandoning us, but then am sure he will get plenty of better fishes and worms, however I hope he doesn't settle for stagnant water and instead decides to use his webbed feet to swim around and stay fit.

Well here is wishing Pa drake a good flight and wonderful landing... may the new lake be to your liking and may you stay healthy and fit always! AND importantly may you catch bigger and better fishes, find more planktons and eat tasty worms :)!

Love and Regards
quack and quack quack