Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lunch and aftermath :)

I find it strange... I am having an affair and I didn't even know about it! Where was I when it happened?

Well the story goes thus. I had lunch with a friend yesterday and I upgraded this person to "Very Special" friend status.

The accusation and the grapevine is this - "You went out for lunch and stayed 'missing' for 3 hrs. What is happening?"

Well I suppose three hours is enough to do anything one plans to do! According to Paulo Coelho an all consuming grand affair can happen in eleven minutes!:)I guess age of the concerned parties also must count!

I have not much liking for the word 'Affair" though. Much maligned and degraded. Much better in conveying mystery is the phrase "illicit relationship.'

I have decided that I will never have an affair - If I have one (or many) then it will be an "illicit relationship" only. Now that I have the name clarified, I'll work out the modus operandi.

BTW - the lunch was good... The salads were excellent. The aftermath has been interesting to say the very least.

Should I say "Thank you God"?

"A judge in Malaysia has upheld a court verdict to cane a Muslim woman for drinking beer, news reports said Monday, re-igniting a controversy over Islamic justice in this moderate Muslim-majority country"...

We are back to religion, women and its implications.why do people take it upon themselves to deliver "God's" punishments and in some cases blessings is beyond my understanding. Who will beat the beaters? :)

God Almighty, my blog is becoming a rant against religious/ male chauvinism? Well I'll blame my writing on the indecisiveness of God and the much delayed divine intervention.

Now, who or what gives authority to some to tyrannize? of course the tyrannized themselves. To put it in more precise words - when you are willing to take shit :)- there are enough people to load it onto you :).

I suppose living by any religious/ non-religious code has its repercussion. When I commit to an ideology it becomes a 'moral' obligation on my part to uphold the ideology. Accepted. But what if I am born into the ideology and am shamed into upholding it?Ah...then one suffers:).

You can either choose to suffer with a smile or beat your chest/ pull your hair in despair and still suffer or of course ask the tyrants to go take a hike and live your own life with your own rules.