Friday, June 11, 2010

Coming to terms with

Bhopal: I wrote before - I write again... estimated 20000 died, still many suffer but strangely - our justice system calls it criminal negligence - that is it!

Forget justice for dead it doesn't matter. Ok we don't need to care or worry about the ones who are going to be born with defects - afterall the political entity has decreed that there is no proof that the leakage of Methyl isocynate on the fateful night of 2 December 1984 casue the birth defects. And without the political will the scientific community will not be able to prove it either. Strange science!

And the thousands who are still living with the after effects of the exposure - a strongly motivated medical community can point out old age and other addictions as the cause. After all it is just collateral damage - imagine the amount of investments that international corporations are planning in India, imaging thenumber of new jobs created, the better lifestyle we willbe able to afford - the international entity in question has even set up shop in Chennai. I wonder which part of the locality this international corporation will set up its industrial facility. I need to ensure that my near and dear ones are not living anywhere close to it.

Ofcourse, in the era of forget it - old story, brush it under the carpet of dead, rotting bodies of the victims. Lets ignore the past, let us forget all lessons we were supposed to learn, let us forge new and better relationship with such entities and ofcourse get our comeuppance.

Lets come to terms with criminal negligence!