Friday, June 27, 2008

Sufficiently intoxicated

A cough syrup, can be sufficiently intoxicating. According to Sujit :).... in India up to 33% of people are addicted to cough mixture. I can actually picture it... if a hausfrau from a 'straight - laced':) family wants to get drunk and drown her sorrows... would head for her medicine cabinet and down a bottle of benadryl! Nice... very nice!

You are wondering why I am talking about cough mixtures :)... truth be told... I wish I had a bottle of benadryl... I have a terrible cold and have been coughing on and off... other relief giving measures I can imagine are a nice hot cup of diluted tea with a dash of brandy,2 cloves, some lemon an drop of honey!... if not that then... hot toddy's mixture of hot water, whiskey, and lemon is welcome anytime.
More suggestions come my way... brandy, honey, lukewarm water and pepper

Well , there are n number of recipies... just that I am not in the right to have any of them... :(

Adios... dear blog

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Its a God Foresaken Land!

The title is self explanatory. God foresaken land indeed... And I am tired of it!

Never say Die :) - The art of taking S***

Never say die, never say no
You got to look 'em in the eye and don't let go
When it's your own blood you'll bleed
And your own tears you'll cry
When you're brought up to believe
That it's the strong who survive
Never say die

- Jon Bon Jovi :)

Don't they ever have to worry?
Don't you ever wonder why?
It's a part of me that tells you
Oh, don't you ever, don't ever say die
Never, never, never say die again
- Black Sabbath!!

And the story ends there!

Monday, June 16, 2008

A poem from a 10 year old's perspective :)

This was something I wrote to cheer my friend up... He wanted to write a poem for a ten year old. The poem which he wrote, I felt was rather gloomy and sad... so I decided to make a poem in 15 mins flat... and the result is for you to see! You must remember that the poem is supposed to be a 10 year olds perspective and done in haste :)

I run, I skip and I talk
I sing, I play and I walk
I see mysteries, I keep secrets
I have my dreams and I have my fears

Will my teachers crib?
Will my parents commend?
Will I score distinctions?
Or will I fail my tests?

I am reflection of my parents desires and their dreams
I am myself , my prizes and my schemes
I make up my own stories, I make it in my den
Where is my barbie and where is my Ben10?

Oh I love my computer
And I love my yo-yo
For my dreams I need an interpreter
And then there is Pogo

What year are we in?
Oh it is 2010
And I have another 5 years
To go before I finish my tenth.

I see television
I hear news
I know there is pain
And I know the issues

I know it can be done
I have certain views
How unfortunate
No one asks me for the cues

I am sure I can solve
And that I can resolve
But since no one asks
Off I go back to my world

I run, I skip and I talk
I sing, I play and I walk
I see mysteries, I keep secrets
I have my dreams and I have my fears

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Phew... Its been really long time!!!!

Truly long.... and I believe - I have missed you my blog...

Dear Merry Times,

I thought I would take my writing seriously here on you but I made a hash of it! I have not bothered to write two serious lines continuously and it has reflectedon you. Not being able to write seriously has indeed been a very 'strong' failing of mine! I tried to break the mould and do something about it and created another blog, for some serious writing. But then again I lost the plot. :(

Now I write, re-write and then write some more but invariably erase it... luckily I have the leeway to change my mind about what I want to write as often as I want.... imagine if I were trying to write/ type on a rickety old type writer... or even do it by hand ... refill paper, ink, cartridge, whitener/ eraser... phew... writing was indeed a tedious process until advent of computer with its bakspace/ delete button.

Life of a person attempting to write 'even' something silly has become 'truly' easy!

Oh.. .you wondering as to why I have not written in ages. Well, took a short break from work and banned computers from my life!... actually I went to this far far land... where the almighty presence of internet/ and you my dear blog is not yet broadband. So no blogging! Am sorry dear Merry Times... I have indeed been negligent towards you...

But am back now.... DID Ya miss me???

I am also going to bring about some changes here... I will not be writing anything about my office from here on... With the departure of Pa Drake and subsequent changes in our office setup... life has become smooth and tad bit uneventful. So unless something seriously unusual happens I won't mention my official work.

Then what am I going to write... Wait and Watch...

And all of you my dear loved ones... be prepared for a different me this time around... Hopefully!