Friday, June 27, 2008

Sufficiently intoxicated

A cough syrup, can be sufficiently intoxicating. According to Sujit :).... in India up to 33% of people are addicted to cough mixture. I can actually picture it... if a hausfrau from a 'straight - laced':) family wants to get drunk and drown her sorrows... would head for her medicine cabinet and down a bottle of benadryl! Nice... very nice!

You are wondering why I am talking about cough mixtures :)... truth be told... I wish I had a bottle of benadryl... I have a terrible cold and have been coughing on and off... other relief giving measures I can imagine are a nice hot cup of diluted tea with a dash of brandy,2 cloves, some lemon an drop of honey!... if not that then... hot toddy's mixture of hot water, whiskey, and lemon is welcome anytime.
More suggestions come my way... brandy, honey, lukewarm water and pepper

Well , there are n number of recipies... just that I am not in the right to have any of them... :(

Adios... dear blog

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