Friday, July 4, 2008

My son goes to Pre - school!

Ish - the tears, the accusing look... he dollops out huge scoops of guilt in my direction!

Boy... it is painful!

The first day went of in a jiffy - he went and before he realised , we - his parents walked out in a hurry and he adjusted.

The second day he went into the play school with apprehension but under the mistaken impression that we would stay with him. I tried to correct this assumption but somehow he was convinced that we would not leave him there - alone in the big big world! When we left him I heard a howl of protest - but he was jolly enough to sing few rhymes he picked up from me.

Then it was the third day - tears and protest started the moment I stepped into the campus and he hung on to my little finger. I distracted him with a toy and walked out - I heard his cry before I walked out of the door. When his granny went to pick him up - he burst out into tears of relief!

Today was the fourth day - and he is unwell - running temperature and down with a bout of cold - again! After his first medication in the morning he was up on his feet gleefully waving us bye as we left home for office. The relief of break from school was so evident on his little face that I found it funnily cute :)!

I really don't understand the reason why a kid that young has to be made miserable. Am sure structured formalised learning can wait for another 2 years - he would have adjusted to crowd better by then too.... Well that is it from me for now!

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