Monday, April 20, 2009

Another 4 days to go...

Wow... just another 4 days to go and I'll go on vacation for 4 good weeks... good riddance to all that I see as rubbish!

It'll be just my family and me! At the very least, it'll be a good break from this monotonous life in office. Maybe I'll be able to catch up with my sleep as well!

Currently reading Sandstrom by James Rollins...Will get back soon on how I found it!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hmm... Cystic Ovaries

My scan report says small multiple cysts seen around both ovaries.

Well, I can't say I am surprised. Was expecting something of this sort for quiet some time now. Well my doc is going to be quiet furios with me... just that she's been after me for ages to get me to loose weight!

But my attempts at weight reduction gets to my crooked vertebra... so there!

Well need to meet the gynac today... but before that CC meeting calls... so here I go!

Monday, April 13, 2009

A new Easter Message...

I was just reading an article by Giles Fraser... who is Giles Fraser? Hmm... he is the vicar of Putney. Since my geography is quiet weak, I have no idea where Putney is but I liked the article.

In the article he wrote why it is important for Christians to move away from the sacrificial imagery so commonly applied to the death of Christ.

He writes "Jesus is not a blood sacrifice to appease a vicious God. The story (of crucifixtion) is not an endorsement of the idea that sacrifice brings peace with God but an attack on it. "I desire mercy, not sacrifice," Jesus insists, going on to side with the scapegoats themselves. The Gospel is clear. I am with the hunchback. I am with the one cast out. He became one with the rejected and the cast out. And thus he suffered the same fate. This is not to endorse sacrificial theology but to condemn it.

Yet despite this clear identification with the victim, much official Christianity holds on to the sacrificial reading of Christ's death. The present pope has insisted that the Eucharist must be seen as a sacrifice rather than as a meal among friends, and evangelical Christians remain committed to their theory of Christ being sacrificed to offset human sin."

My take on it - When was religion objective or violence free. All religions have endorsed violence in one form on another. Most religions are based on the basic premise - propagation of faith to bring the blinkered into its fold. This tenet in religions encourage violence of thought and violence in deed.

And as to what Mr Fraser is encouraging us to do - while it is admirable, it may not be possible. Re-interpretation of religion means questioning the basic foundation on which the religion is built over centuries. Once re-interpreted then it is open to re-re-interpretation everytime one feels compelled to do it!

But I still liked the message he wants to convey in his article.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Talk about Women and feminism....

We- my colleagues and I got talking about Women in general and interpretation of feminism in specific. Feminism to me is political, social, sexual, intellectual and economic rights equal to that of men.

Which ofcourse adds up to feminism being my personal right to take decisions that make my life my very own!... Be it economic or intellectual independence...

I have a colleague who says that his wife prefers Purdah as she is a devout muslim and feels incomplete without it. He says he has not influenced her in any manner on this choice. This led to some self -talk. Just cause Purdah is not something I would choose how do I discount or disagree with her choice.

And the self-talk led to the following clarifications. Purdah is not only recommended/ imposed in Islam but also in Hinduism and Christianity... The ghoonghat or draping the head and face is commonly practised in North India and different branches Christianity advocates scarfing the heads for different occassions.

This is where - I believe, intellectual independence comes into play! Intellectual independence comes into play were an individual and in particular the woman makes a learned choice which surpasses religion (in most cases, whose rules and regulations are drafted by men who in turn are influenced by their immense proximity to GOD and His thoughts)and boundry's set by society and its minnions (translate that to Men - who form the society).

Feminism - is a nice but much maligned word. I do not believe in man hating or man baiting... and i find Men moderately interesting. I believe that I am a feminist... and I am proud of this fact!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I have an attitude!

Merin has an attitude - This is an accusation aimed at me!

I have tried to analyse this accusation and am left wondering. What is wrong about having an attitude? What is the failing here... I mean... What does this 'attitude' mean?

I ask how can a person live without an attitude? I have of late come across few people who neither have an attitude nor any aspiration - hmmmm - I believe attitude-less people are generally waste - of - living space! It is better that they are not there!

Now - if this is the attitude - that one is complaining about, then Yes I need to be condemned

Another Thursday Trots Past

Today has been eventful again...

Dhruv was unwell - so the morning went past in a hurry.

Once I came into the office - I spoke and introduced a new recruit to her job of tele-calling.... then I got around to my work... which kinda meandered past me.
Now it is time to bid Pandian Sir Adieu!!!

Pandian Sir - Now this gentleman has been with this organsation for the last 28 years and retired on 31 March. Today we have organised a farewell party for him... So time to go... a cake awaits us and we need to eat it!!!

And thus ends the Thursday!