Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Yes, there’s sexism in science

Sexism in work area,
disrimination based on gender has been talked about since - EVER!

Since 1901 more than 500 men have won a Nobel Prize in the
sciences. Only 15 of them—about 3 percent—have been women. 

Prize-winning scientist Tim Hunt 
is supposed to have said
this “Three things happen when they are in the lab.... You fall in
love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they
cry."  He won the 2001 Nobel Prize in medicine for his work
on cell division and was talking about women. (Ref: Article in Washington Post)

study conducted by Yale University highlighted the unconscious gender
biases in hiring processes for women in science academia. When they
controlled for all other variables, the researchers found out what was holding
these fake women back from their dream jobs: All other things being equal, the
academic hiring squads were rating the women as less competent than the men.

Now the discussion turns to the tech icons of the last 2 decades - we have heard of Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg etc.... Today's tech icons are all men - the nerd is pictured as a white man...

Well a link to Indian scientists into the repository of all knowledge under the Sun online lists about 140 scientists  - 139 Men and 1 woman (social scientist)! kindly note this list has names of Aryabhatta, Mahāvīra, Varāhamihira

I read this article in The Hindu ... wanted to share it 

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