Thursday, August 28, 2008

On Chandra and Being Single

This post is dedicated to 'My Friend Chandra'!

Well to quote him "I am wondering what is happening to male members in the Indian society? Suddenly there are voices stemming in support of men. May be the Indian version of “Save the Males” is going on? "

:) Chandra is valliantly single and feels the need to reiterate his singlehood to get through to all 'un-single'people.... he feels threatened and his non marital status questioned, when he is surrounded by his fav mylai mamis!!! Many a times, I am lost in mirth at his urgent explanations, there are times when I join the mamis in chorus on the merits marriage and then there are times when I quietly accept his take on bachelorhood!

Recently, one of his posts on trials of bachelordom was published in Times of India, since then he has assumed an air of righteousness of cause for bachelordom.

I however, look at it as the drowning indignant voice of bachelordoom!!!

(Disclaimer: I have no vested interest in promoting marriage as a successful institution. I have no disagreements against the cause for greater bachelorhood)

Friday, August 22, 2008

The need for passion!

A spark of fire
brings light
A ray of sunlight
Brings hope

What I need is a ray of light

A drop of honey
A lime tart
makes a good bite

What i need is a drop of lime

A humming bird
brings speed
A taylor bird
brings art

What I need is speed and art

A jasmine
brings perfume
A passion fruit
means passion

What I need is a new perfume :) and some passion!!!

On Motherhood

I read so many posts on motherhood... and somewhere along the way I feel that I must post something about my son too!!! I feel I am being negligent about my little one by not putting him on my blog....

So here are photos of 5 month old, 1 year old, 1and 1/2 year old & 2 year old Dhruv!!!! The latest I'll update shortly.

On what he is up to .... I mentioned in an earlier post about his trip to Pre-school... Well he goes to his pre-school now albeit tearlessly... but with great sorrow.... Every day morning - my home is a war zone - filled with tears and recrimations!

Well he is likely to cry for the next 17 years... he has to go to school... so I suppose all practice is good practice!

Monday, August 11, 2008

And then there is Christine

She carries the burden
the burden of the world
her shoulders are bent
and she stumbles

But then...
she looks up to the good Lord
and she draws
she draws her strength

she thinks..
Poor man he suffered so...
then why wouldn't I suffer

So on she goes...
In her march to eternal kingdom
suffering persecutions
loudly going crazy

Once upon a time...
she had a sound mind
she had a clear smile
But now... well I let it be unsaid

Well what more can I say
she has all the trappings
She is of the right make
there is no doubt in me

That she is st.Christine!

Three cheers to this most hon'ble saint!

With lots of love just for you Chris!!!!!!!!

So much to tell!!!

My dear blog,
It is good to be back... and it is good to talk to you:)... without the prying eyes of anyone focussed on me... it becomes easier to write! So many things have happened since my last post...

Dhruv has more or less settled in his play - school! Now that calls for lot of cheer... although must say that, he refused to go there today and was apprehensive this morning until I left that I would sneak him away from home without him realising it!! Somehow... the fact that my child looks at me with suspicious eyes is an unplesant thought... hmmm... the gloom is setting in again!

That apart, my back has truly given up on me, the doctor has given the verdict. Unless I take some drastic steps to correct the medical issue, I am likely to be in pain... a lot! Am planning to get a second opinion, it is always good to have one's worst fears re-confirmed! It takes a weight of the mind :)

Am settling in OK in the new department... I have a newer boss:).. that is my new boss left to take up another post, and I got myself a new boss - again. Well, life goes on... we had two big events/ conferences. I didn't do much for it, however few things are being planned... let me see how it goes!

Oh... I forgot ... we were served notice from court... it seems the property on which our flats are located is under dispute. More to the point one of the possible owner says that he did not get the amount of money that was due to him... :)... so he has raised the hell... and we may not exactly be in soup.. however it is an issue, a worrying issue!

Hmm, Vinu is getting married this month end, picked up a gift for her... Naga's due date is in october... I have to get her the Ayurvedic concotions :)... it will be helpful!

Christine... well she is a story by herself and I have to dedicate an entire post just to her... I will just say that I am worried for her!

Hema.. she is back to her crazy chicken days... I hear that she travelled with the super boss for the council meeting... have to get an update on how the trip went! That will be interesting!

Of Pa drake... the news has kind of died down... looks like he is settling well in his new pond!

The lovebirds are boring to say the least. They multiply rapidly and have canibalistic tendencies... they eat their own chicks!!!

Am planning to get a hill mynah for Dhruv :). I am sure he will like it!

I am signing off for now.
