Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Merin's Must Do List - Post II

I have decided that my Must Do List will have just 10 items. The list will not be ambiguous and will have specific activities or targets that I need to achieve within my life time... post lifetime... I'll blog from after life!

21 February 2008
You know its been agessince I started this post ... and I still have not been able to make my Must Do List. Christ! How I have come to lead such a singularly purposeless life - I do not know!

I have not yet started on item 1 of the list. I have been pondering and wondering - nothing seems to catch my fancy!

Pre marriage was a different story - I did what my mind told me. My mind said "Merin Go there" - and I went! It said "Merin Do that" - and I did!

Post marriage and post one sweet adorable kid... my mind is as blank as it can ever get! Does marriage do that to everyone or has it just done that to me?

Friday, January 16, 2009

My To Do List...

This is a directive on what I want from my life. It is not just To Do... it is Must Do ... This is not a list of various activities I have to do ... it is not something I create everyday!... No...

This is a list I want for life! May be I'll call it my must do list then! Yes...

Merin's Must Do List...

The issue with a to do list is that - one has to do something about it! :)... I know it sounds silly!

I have a feeling that creating the list will not be the issue... the issue will to to create the action plan to implement the list! Creating a To Do List is an action plan for life... now this is scary!

When I started making the list, I realised that merely writing the words will not do... it has to be well thought out and each thing I must do in life before I kicked the bucket must add something to me... the more I think about it the more I have come to fear the list... I am defining my life with the list... what happens if the definition stays incomplete or undoable...

The only reason the list will remain undoable is because I do not permit it... I will have no one else to blame... I am responsible for the list!

God... What have I got myself into?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Map of Bones

I was reading James Rollins "Map of Bones" and completed the book yesterday night. I bought the book cause I liked "Judas Strain" by the same author. But 'Map of Bones' was a letdown!

Want to buy the book The Time of Our Singing... have been eyeing it for long... never got around to buying it!

What else do I do with all the time in my hands now. Yes I play with my son, I read, I hate cooking so I don't do it (And I thank the almighty for a wonderful Mom-in law), I ocassionaly write- what else? what else??

Am planning on going to Kalashetra tomorrow... a crafts show is happening there - so that may prove interesting... that apart I will also get to meet Rushad (Danesh's Son)

Tomorrow is Pongal - the Tamil Nadu Harvest festival... am looking forward to eating some yummy sweets!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mid noon- Another day

Thank fully we have sent all pravasis home. So now I am back to mundane things in office and ofcourse I have been reading and reading and reading...

Started with few book reviews so visited Guardian and did a search for the book - no help there... then checked the rest of the web - of the 22 reviews I read on a book -11 were for it and the rest against - now I am caught in a quandry should I buy it and read - or borrow- read it then buy?

On book reviews - well I have learnt not to trust any of them any which ways - they just tend to confuse!

Friday, January 2, 2009

WOW... Another year just ran past me!!!

2008... You just ran past me!
There I was meandering through 2007...
Blissfully unaware that come December and
My life was about to change!

2008... You just ran past me!
First, Pa Drake left... then I left the team...
All that remained was Hema:)
So she joined another team

2008... You just ran past me!
The rest of the year was clouded in pain
With brief intermissions of relief.
Then suddenly it was the very last day of the year!

2008... You just ran past me!
What have I got to show for the year gone by
What has become of the grand plans and small schemes
By god What am I? - Woman or____

2008... You just ran past me!

Wow... and how my life changed!