Thursday, March 20, 2008

Surrogate Invitation

Let me be your surrogate for the day out! I’ll go to the places that you are supposed to go. Enjoy food that you are supposed to eat, make merry while you are supposed to make merry :).

Jeezzzzz..... imagine the life of one who is surrogate! Its like cindrella dressing up for the ball and going to it uninvited.

Hmmm... that apart, I have been given the task of writing another speech! It is irritating to say the leat! If a person can't write his or her own speech then why insist on holding the mike and facing an audience?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Its that time of the day....

when a hammock and some really nice music calls out loud!!! Just for moments like these I wish I were in Pune... when I could go and trouble Danesh for his hammock... listen to some lovely music on his system, nurse a nice drink from his collection... and relax! :)

hmmmmmmmmmm.... but then a sumptuous lunch always puts me in this mood... Thanks to my boss had some lovely beef and fish fry! I was worried... if I sat any longer at the restaurant they would chop me up and fry me. I was that stuffed!

Thanks Makarand!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Me too...

Its me too day... I wanna do what everyone else is doing!.. I don't know what everyone else is doing... I see the C******** person staring into her computer (She's wearing glasses and hasn't still learnt the lesson), Hema is wearing down her keyboard thin (she's typing 150 w/min - WOW!), Vesta is looking bored (and she is obviously pregnant), Naga is stuck the phone, Betty is clicking send and receive button of the Outlook Express...

What would I be like if I stared at the computer, typed furiously while looking bored and talking on the phone - I think I'd be Hema then!!!!

After yesterday... a sad tuesday!

The day started out quiet sad... what with my son asking for Appa, who has set forth on a mission to find a bride!!!

Then I came to office... and here I am sitting bleary eyed - due to lack of sleep - tired as tired can be and wanting to put my head down on a pillow and go to sleep! But then that is not possible... so I type out silly posts on this blog and read joyful quotes!

Here is a pearl of wisdom from Pearl S Buck " The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it."

Monday, March 17, 2008

After a dull morning... its a sunny afternoon

And it is truly sunny... :)

My eyes have been opened to the wisdom of the Lord. Thanks to the resident Saint of this organisation. I believe this organisation would have gone to the dogs but for this holy person!

That apart it has also been the week of sulks... Talk about monumental sulks, one has to be where I sit to understand it! defines Sulk as - to remain silent or hold oneself aloof in a sullen, ill-humored, or offended mood! And BOY... is it Sulk or what! I have not seen a better exhibition of childishness than what I am witnessing... but then who am I to complain ... I am equally bad! LOL

For those of you who don't understand what I am talking about... please contact me in person :)

Guten Morgen

Aloha... guten Morgen... good morning... and all else!
Its a day to take stock of ones situation and work out strategy! :) its also the day to start some work. I wish Mondays would never happen.... It is the day that brings about all the wrong questions/ and throws in your face, last week's remains!
On this depressing note... I get back to work!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

It is a Gooooooooood Morning!

:) H guys... lets get back to work!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Feeling coooold.... brrrr...nope.. am feeling HOT!

Feeling the cold? It could be all in the mind. According to some article I read, cold is a subjective term.

That apart... Feeling Cold All The Time? The tendency to feel cold is indicative of circulatory problems and issues, as it is blood flow which causes us to have a sensation of warmth.

And why does one feel hot????
Because it is summer and summers in Chennai are hot! :)

People now I am feeling cold... now I am hot... no am feeling cold... nope its hot... How does one diagonise this now???? Krazy Kya?

Sujit - this is for you

Idleness is the parent of psychology. - Friedrich Nietzsche


:) Just a thought

God is a thought who makes crooked all that is straight - Friedrich Nietzsche

In the name of God...

I believe there is a God of Traffic Jams... This god is a Super God and the minions in Kahakis add to the general morning chaos. Add to this a pinch of bad traffic habits, some loud blaring horns, few pot holes on the road, some school-going children and the morning gets of to a fine start!

One of these days I plan to get my handycam along with me, just to get a third eye view of this scene... I am going to do the shoot at the Velacherry checkpost, you know near the traffic signal and Guru Nanak College. I am doing the video on a monday morning. It is chaos at its best!

Then I am going to forward it to "Rippley's believe it or not"

Traffic Management at its best- is how I plan to call it. I am open to other suggestions too!

Ok... that is traffic for you... but that apart, life has been smooth sailing so far. But it could always be a lull before the storm breaks... am actually waiting for the storm!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A thought is just a synaptic transmission...

... For this pearl of wisdom, I have to thank Sujit!

The very fact that even a thought boils down to just some chemical locha in the brain is quiet disheartening! And, I was giving myself credit for all these profound, pearls of wisdom that originate in my brain... I should actually have thanked the chemicals!... I always thought, I should have paid closer attention to my chemistry lessons! I suppose it was all those chemicals in my brain giving me loud hints about their existence!

The discussion on 'synaptic tramnsmission' happened after Sujit likened my posts on the blog to disjointed, frivolous ramblings of a slightly crazed mind!... He also took pains to assure me that, if he were a first time visitor to my blog, with no inkling to my minds chemical lochas then he would conclude from my ramblings that I needed to be put on Clozopin!... Sujit did I get the name correct?

That apart the day started quiet well... Christine has been at her best behaviour and Hema is acting sane for a change! Surprises happen!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Oh - the joy of guardianship!

Consider this... there are the Charlie's Angels and then there is Bosley ... Have we ever given a thought to him???

Now here I present Charlie's Angels and Bosely in action... only interesting bit is that Charlie has recruited more angels and the angels are more interested in eating barbeques than solving crime!

However, one case that needs to be solved urgently is Christine's obsession! Yes... yes... I know... I swore that I would not mention the C person on the blog... but this is unavoidable and truly vital.

What is it about the obsession that is so obsessively obssesive is beyond my comprehension. But for those of you who think they can help me solve this vexed obssesive issue please do contact me in person!

Monday, March 3, 2008

This blog is about me!!!

or so I think... but my blogspot seems to have maximum number of posts on Christine!!!

So from here on I have decided to cut down on the dosage of christine for all of you... unless she does something dramatic... you'll see no more of Christine on this blog!

I'll for a change concentrate on HEMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......

Did you guys know that there is someone new in Hema's life????? Guess Who?... For all those who give the right answer, I'll give the latest issue of Deccan Despatch!

Hmmm... that apart gossip has it that... she has been keeping some odd hours of late! I suggest all of you ask her what she has been up too...

That apart.. I have been questioned why I haven't updated my blog for sometime now... well guys... I did say earlier weekends are sacred family time so no blogging for me on saturdays and sundays! And the friday was an abberation.... was not in the right frame of mind to write anything!

Am supposed to be working on someone's presentation... I'll get back to it now... will write again on Hema's new interest soon!